Marlboro past

Marlboro is the ciggie trademark created by Philip Morris International from the time of 1924. The brand appears to be one of the most popular cig brands across the world because of its great racing patronizing as well as brilliant publicity actions. Lots of smokers believe Marlboro to be the finest cigs because of the their rich and intense taste. For this reason leaving aside the ciggie price smokers who choose Marlboro are very faithful to their brand.

Marlboro brand is the legend and the example of marketing. This ciggie brand is cited as an example when discussing the result of successful rebranding. Fancy slim ladies’ ciggies in a snow-white soft package changed into strong cigarettes in firm bundle intended for steadfast as well as tough temperaments.

The brand tale begins in the midst of the 19th century, when Philip Morris, a British tobacconist, had opened tobacco plant of his own in London and in 1924 the trademark itself came into existence. The ciggies were intended for self-confident and rich girls. Ciggie filter was of a red color, that was thought up for the ladies' lipstick not to leave ruddy remnants on the ciggie paper. Those days the brand was aesthetic, very feminine and... The brand didn't sell well. Fifties of the twentieth century were characterized for the trademark with inferior sales in the United States of America - they accounted for only 0. 25 of overall tobacco sales. That decade academic news touching smoking and lung cancer came into being and the sales of the entire tobacco industry reduced greatly. And at that time the decision to revive the label was made. The brand manufacturers decided to make gentlemen the target audience of the trademark establishing these cigs as the symbol of manliness, peril as well as adventures. Aviators, mariners, cowboys and sportsmen were the chief images of the latest promo tactics. Within 1 year the sales of Marlboro ciggies shot up more then ten times.

Since 1964 the manufacturers decided to keep only Marlboro Cowboy of all Marlboro figures and the cowboy of Marlboro was moved to a stern and colorful fictional Marlboro Land. And by 1972, Marlboro had become the most famous cigarettes worldwide and has held this status for most of the succeeding years. In 1993 the company became the most expensive brand in the foreign marketplace of consumer goods with the market price of 39. 5 billion dollars.

Nowadays cigs of the brand take the head of the top-15 of the most well-known cig labels around the world and the realizations of Marlboro brand are persistently increasing every year.