Kinds of cigs.

Millions of folks all over the world smoke cigarettes and despite the fact that cigarettes exist for many centuries, they became super popular only in the 20th century. Persons enjoy smoking cigarettes of various kinds as well as diverse ciggie brands, it looks like smokers will continue to smoke without regard to the cigarette price as well as the damage caused by them. Here are some general cigarette types:
Non-filter ciggies - these ciggies do not have such part as filter and so can be lit from the side you like. Not having filter the sort of cigarettes have the degree of nicotine as well as tar 30-45% higher than the filtered ones, thereby they are the most powerful ciggies and found to be more hazardous.
Filter-tipped cigs (or typical cigarettes) - are thought to be less harmful than mentioned above ones. The principal stuff cig filters are produced from is acetate cellulose. Its principal purpose is to lessen the volume of tar, small fractions and fume breathed in while taking a smoke.
Light cigarettes - are thought to have more "gentle", not so noticeable savor as regular ciggies and people think that they contain less nicotine and tar. As a matter of fact the only distinction between typical and light cigs is in their filters - light cigarettes filters are punctured with small openings that in theory diffuse tobacco smoke with some clean air.
Flavored cigarettes - are produced with the help of aromatized tobacco. They are less regular and can be found only in specialized stores. The aroma the kind of ciggies produced with are cherry, clove, chocolate, orange and vanilla.
Menthol cigs - in this kind of cigarettes tobacco is mixed with menthol - the compound extracted from the oil of mint. This substance triggers cold-sensitive nerves without real lowering of the temperature and for this reason it leads to the impression of cool as well as clean smoke. In addition menthol is believed to inhibit the excretion of nicotine and hence creates extended sensation of “wooziness”.

Herbal cigs - the type of cigs do not contain tobacco and nicotine, they are produced from various herbs and other plant materials for example lemongrass, cinnamon and mint. Such cigarettes are superb ciggies to be used as an alternative for folks that are giving up smoking.
Cigarettes for women - actually they are equal to usual ones with a slight distinction in shape - such cigarettes are slenderer. It is believed that they accent the refinement and are refined as cigarettes for men are larger.